Thomas Meek


By Christopher A. Meek

102. Samuel Davis Meek was born 18 May 1782 in Virginia. He died 18 Aug 1837 in Decatur Co., IN. He is buried in Springhill Cemetary. Accompanied by two brother-in-laws, James and William McCracken He was one the first of this family to settle in Decatur Co., IN. He settled in Fuget and Clenton Townships between years of 1822 and 1826.

He married Jemina Ray about 1806 in Gallatin Co., KY. She died 9 Apr 1833.
Samuel Davis Meek and Jemina Ray had the following children:

Disclaimer: This genealogy was prepared by the author using undocumented and/or unverified sources. Some facts presented here MAY NOT be correct. Never accept as factual any information you find in a library, the Internet or from other genealogist unless it is supported by documentation. Documentation DOES NOT include the undocumented genealogies of other people including those on this web site.

Information provided by Ron Meek.