Meek/Meeks Clearinghouse

Meek/Meeks - Genealogies

Following are links to a number of genealogies that I have obtained information on. In many cases the information is not verified and should not be considered a source. Rather, they are presented to help those people who are researching the Meek name understand the scope of the Meek surname and the genealogical information available. Clearly, some of this information may not be correct. So, use caution. If you have any information to add, please contact me. Y-DNA has divided many of these ancestors into different unrelated groups. The significance of DNA is related to the validity of the genealogy.

Most groups have multiple genealogies each starting with a earliest known ancestor. This is a long list so scroll down to see entire list or use the links to jump to the desired group, if known.

The sidebar menu to the left will typically have three items. The first is a jump link to further down this page where links to each genealogy is contained. The second is a link to a title page for each group which contains a brief summary and the same links to each genealogy. The third is a PDF file which contains a more extensive summary of the group as well as Y-DNA analysis if available. The menu below contains just the jump links to further down the page. Scroll down for links to all genealogies.
The index is incomplete and not updated.

Group A: Maryland>Allegheny Co., PA>Kentucky>Indiana
        Five mid-1700 era ancestors, three of which were known to be brothers.
Group B: Maryland>Washington Co., PA>Ohio, Kentucky & Tennessee
        Numerous 1700 era ancestors with multiple migration routes.
Group C: Washington Co, MD & Augusta Co., VA
        Two early-1700 era ancestors of unknown relationship.
Group E: Ontario, Maryland, S. Carolina & N. Carolina
        Several 1700 era ancestors who migrated to America independently frim Antrim, Ireland
Group F: Virginia>S. Carolina
        Descendants of William Meeks b: 1725 some of who had a different progenitor.
Group G:
        Descendants of William M. Meeks b: @1798 in SC.
Group H:
        Descendants of George Meek b: @1741 in MD.
Other Meek Families         Many families not connected by Y-DNA or genealogy.


The information contained on this site is a collection of different genealogies, obtained over the years from various sources. I did not personally research all of these genealogies. I cannot and do not guarantee this information as factual nor do I certify any connection as proven. These genealogies can be grouped under four categories.

1. My personal genealogy, which I personally researched.

2. Genealogies given to me by the people who actually did the research. Source information is sometimes included.

3. Genealogies given to me or obtained from people who did not do the research. Source information is seldom mentioned. These genealogies may or may not be valid.

4. Genealogies considered "traditional genealogies" pasted down over the years but which contain little or no documentation. There is little source information and mistakes are common.

My purposes in posting this information are to help other researchers find a lead, understand the scope of the data available on the Meek(s) families and to share their information. Hopefully, together we can expand and improve the information available on the Meek/Meeks families and maybe find some common ancestors.

I encourage everyone to be cautious about the information that you find here or any other place. The best researchers make mistakes in both facts and logical deductions. Much of what is and has been available about the Meek family over the years contains errors that may not be apparent. Evaluate the source carefully and then verify what you have learned.

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